Content Creator

Profile quality has a significant impact on the likelihood of getting a match. Profiles that contain less than 4 photos tend to not perform as well as profiles with at least 4-5 photos. Content Creator is a new UX that hopes to improve the experience around creating content in hopes that users will have a more filled out profile as a result.

Other Goals

01. Significantly reduce the code complexity and tech debt for media creation.
02. Enable other teams to build their own content templates with well-documented interfaces
03. Enable growth team to optimize media creation in the future
04. Maintain media creation metrics

As a user in the Content Creator, I should be able to view all the different types of templates and content types that I can make (photo, prompt, meme, and loop). When the user selects a photo from their camera roll, it will auto populate all the templates that are able to host that photo.

After a user chooses a the template they are brought to the edit screen where they can make changes to the template by either hitting the dice, which randomizes it, or scrolling through the menu of all the options.


After releasing the MVP version of content creator to 20% of the U.S. population, we have seen a ~100% lift in prompts created and a ~7% increase in match rate among women in the first few weeks.

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